More Than Pretty Flowers: A Liturgical Arts Workshop

Saturday, Sept. 17, 10:00am – 12:30pm
St. John’s, Gig Harbor

Since most of our churches use altar flowers to bring the beauty of living things into our worship space, the Commission on Liturgy and the Arts is pleased to present this workshop to broaden the potential of this ministry. Beyond just making “pretty decorations,” the altar flowers can become visual metaphors of the themes embedded in that day’s liturgy. 

Led by the Rev. Eric Stelle, a former high-end event florist, this interactive workshop will model the process of visualizing the scriptures with flowers and will also include practical skills in floral design. There will be a strong emphasis on using natural and found materials.  

We encourage teams of people to come (including clergy) who are interested in developing a visual arts ministry in their parish. It can include anyone artistically inclined, regardless of their experience with floral design.

Click here to register for this free workshop: “More Than Pretty Flowers: a Liturgical Arts Workshop” – Registration ( or phone the office at 253.948.9821.  

The venue is ADA accessible and will include beverages. The demonstration will also be broadcast live on St. John’s YouTube channel and available to view anytime afterwards: St. John’s Episcopal Church – Gig Harbor, WA – YouTube

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