Over the course of the last year and a half, we have all been forced to adapt to new ways of doing things and especially new ways of interacting. This has definitely included how we have been able to worship and study together. At Welcome Back Sunday, those in attendance were asked to share something that they still wanted back and something positive that was learned and worth keeping.
Several people mentioned the desire to have the choir back. This is a unique challenge that is being reviewed to determine how this desire might be fulfilled safely. With regards to positive learnings, several people mentioned the positive aspect of the learnings around virtual interactions, especially the ability to attend church even when they aren’t actually able to be physically at church and also the virtual study opportunities.
Considering the feedback that virtual interactions have provided some positive opportunities and pairing that with a desire to restart more programs, the Bishop’s Committee would like to get the congregations’ responses regarding experience with different virtual interactions and interest in program elements. Please review the following survey questions and share your thoughts.
Thank you for your time and continued support. Take the survey here.