November 10: Weekly Prayers

God of blessing, we wait in hope for you. We wait for your kingdom to come. We wait for the return  of your son. We wait for you to visit us with your Holy Spirit once again today. We wait in hope for  you. Give us patience. Give your blessings to Sean, our presiding bishop; Phil, our bishop; and Joseph,  our vicar. We pray for the Church of South India (United), and for the faith communities of St. James,  Cathlamet; St. Timothy, Chehalis; and All Saints’, Vancouver.

Blessed are you, O God, you supply  all our needs.

God of blessing, we thank you for the abundance that enables us to share our building with the  congregation of All Saints Goshen, and with groups supporting those who struggle with addiction and  recovery. 

Blessed are you, O God, you supply  all our needs.

God of blessing, we pray you guide and protect those serving our country in its armed forces. Let  those who trust in you never be put to shame. 

Blessed are you, O God, you supply  all our needs.

God of blessing, we pray that you bless the earth to bear much fruit. May there be enough to feed all  of the people of the world. May those with much and those with little rejoice together in your bounty.

Blessed are you, O God, you supply  all our needs.

God of blessing, we thank you for our public libraries. We ask that you increase in our land knowledge  and wisdom. We thank you for institutions that meet the needs of all people. 

Blessed are you, O God, you supply  all our needs.

God of blessing, you are the hope of the hopeless. You give sleep to the anxious and wholeness to  those who feel alone. Comfort and care for those in need of your healing touch this day: Leah,  Maxwell, and their family; Dale; Charlie and his family; Sila; Ed; Eric and Jay; Dee and her family; Susy;  Chris; Cheryl; Luke; Ava; Sarah; Monica; Tim; Michael; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles;  Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; Will; Janette; Nancy; Sandy; Emily; and those we now name,  either silently or aloud.

Blessed are you, O God, you supply  all our needs.

God of blessing, you make us heirs of eternal life through your blessed son. May we be made like him  in his eternal and glorious kingdom. We entrust to you our dead, praying especially for those who  died for the causes of freedom and peace. We remember also those we now name, either silently or  aloud. 

Blessed are you, O God, you supply  all our needs.

God of blessing, we thank you for those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week, including  Jim; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

Blessed are you, O God, you supply  all our needs.


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