November 17: Weekly Prayers

Almighty God, thank you for your generous love. We pray for your church and all who serve you  including Sean, our Presiding Bishop; Phil, our bishop; and Joseph, our vicar. We lift up the St. Hilda St.  Patrick congregation and stewardship campaign. Guide your church through these times of change.

Blessed Lord, guard our hearts and minds.

Sovereign God, we ask you to bless your servants everywhere. Bless The Anglican Church of Southern  Africa. In our diocese we pray for St. Stephen’s, Longview; St. Peter’s, Seaview; and St. Anne’s,  Washougal. Bless the congregation of All Saints Goshen who worships in our building. Remind us of  your sacrifice and covenant. 

Blessed Lord, guard our hearts and minds.

Wise Counselor, we pray for our country and the world. Help those who lead advocate for justice and  peace. Move us to encourage one another, to serve you by serving others. Energize us to give our  time and talents to our communities. 

Blessed Lord, guard our hearts and minds.

Great healer, help us grasp and retain your peace. Ease the suffering of vulnerable and oppressed  people in our communities. We pray for those who suffer and those in any trouble, those who  struggle with addiction and recovery, especially those who meet in our building. 

Blessed Lord, guard our hearts and minds.

True redeemer, nourish our works of faith. Help us find joy and beauty in our lives. Help us to stay  centered in you and adapt to challenges in life, school, and work.

Blessed Lord, guard our hearts and minds.

Dear Jesus, we pray for those who have commended themselves to our prayers: Emilio; Ian; Barbara;  Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; Will; Janette; Nancy; Sandy; Emily; Alec;  Leah, Maxwell, and their family; Dale; Charlie and his family; Sila; Eric and Jay; Dee and her family;  Susy; Chris; Cheryl; Luke; Ava; Sarah; Monica; Tim; Michael; and those we now name, either silently or  aloud. 

Blessed Lord, guard our hearts and minds.

Almighty God, thank you for the many celebrations of our lives. We thank you especially for the  birthday of Kerry; the anniversary of Andrea & Tom; and of those we now name, either silently or  aloud. 

Blessed Lord, guard our hearts and minds.

Lord, we pray for those who have passed on before us. Surround them in your love, and comfort us as  we grieve their absence. We pray especially for Ruth; Ed; and those we now name, either silently or  aloud. 

Blessed Lord, guard our hearts and minds.


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