December 22: Weekly Prayers

Generous God, we pray for the peace of the world, and for our unity in Christ.

Come to us, and save us.

 We pray for Sean, our presiding bishop; for Phil, our bishop, and all bishops; for Joseph, our vicar; for  the deacons and all who minister in Christ, and for all the holy people of God. Bless the Church of the  Province of Uganda; and the faith communities of Holy Cross, Redmond; and St. Clare’s, Snoqualmie.  We pray also for the congregation of All Saints Goshen, who worships in our building.

Come to us, and save us.

We pray for the church throughout the world and the faithful in every place.

Come to us, and save us.

We pray for the leaders of the nations and all in authority. 

Come to us, and save us.

We pray for justice, peace, and freedom among peoples of the earth.

Come to us, and save us.

 We pray for travelers, for the sick and the suffering, for the hungry and the oppressed, and for those  in prison. We lift up to you this day those who have commended themselves to our prayers: Emilio;  Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; Will; Janette; Nancy; Sandy;  Emily; Helen; Verne; Tim; Larry; Ron; Colin; Sophia; Charlie; Tom; Kim and her family; Jessica; James;  Lela; Kenneth; Jayne; Mariam; Alec; Leah, Maxwell, and their family; Dale; Charlie and his family; Sila;  Eric and Jay; Dee and her family; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.

Come to us, and save us.

We pray for the dying and the dead. Today we remember especially Guy; Michael; Tom; Curtis; Ruth;  Ed; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

Come to us, and save us.

We pray for our deliverance from all affliction, strife, and need. 

Come to us, and save us.

We give thanks for the birth of Asta, and for our friends and loved ones. Bless those celebrating  birthdays and anniversaries this week, especially Valerie; Kenneth; Genoa; and those we now name,  either silently or aloud. 

Come to us, and save us.

 Joining our voices with Hilda, Patrick, the blessed Virgin Mary, and with all your saints and angels, we offer ourselves and one another to you, our living God, through Christ. 

Come to us, and save us.


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