November 2022

Christmas at St. Hilda St. Patrick

December 24, The Fourth Sunday of Advent (10 AM) Sunday Eucharist for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, with Advent hymns, sermon, and Communion December 24, Christmas Eve  (6 PM) Traditional Service with Carols Come celebrate the Birth of Christ in a Christian community, with carols, communion, and the Incarnation Proclamation. Pajamas for little ones are […]

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November 27: The First Sunday of Advent

On page 1 of her book on Advent, Rutledge says, “Advent is not simply a transitional season but in and of itself communicates a message of immense, even ultimate, importance. Of all the seasons of the church year, Advent most closely mirrors the daily lives of Christians and of the church, asks the most important ethical questions, presents the most accurate picture of the human condition, and above all, orients us to the future of the God who will come again.”

November 27: The First Sunday of Advent Read More »

November 20: The Last Sunday after Pentecost

Throughout his earthly ministry Jesus has had opportunities to make shows of force and to claim and win the world around him as God’s by taking over and fighting a war. Instead he’s said “He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Jesus has said, “Love your enemies; do good to those who hate you; bless those who curse you; pray for those who mistreat you…Words matter.

November 20: The Last Sunday after Pentecost Read More »

November 13: St. Hilda’s Day, transferred

Trade with the gifts God has given you. Bend your minds to holy learning, that you may escape the fretting moth of littleness of mind that would wear out your souls. Brace your wills to action, that they may not be the spoils of weak desires. Train your hearts and lips to song, which gives courage to the soul. Being buffeted by trials, learn to laugh. Being reproved, give thanks. Having failed, determine to succeed.

November 13: St. Hilda’s Day, transferred Read More »

November 6: All Saints Sunday

Especially on this All Saints Sunday, we can look to that cast of all-star saints who surely lived as Jesus wanted them to, reflecting on how feebly we struggle as they in glory shine. But as Sister Joyce Rupp writes, the saints are not only those people “who have been canonized by the church, but all people whose lives reflect the goodness of God. Saints are not perfect people. They have their faults, idiosyncrasies and weaknesses. They have their own struggles and difficulties. Even the canonized ones are noted to have been difficult to live with because of some unique mannerism.

November 6: All Saints Sunday Read More »