December 22, The Fourth Sunday of Advent (10 AM)
Sunday Eucharist for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, with Advent hymns, sermon, and Communion
December 23, Monday after the Fourth Sunday of Advent (11 AM)
Greening of the Church and Commons. Share a meal, enjoy company with other people, and help decorate the church for Christmast
December 24, Christmas Eve (6 PM)
Traditional Service with Carols
Come celebrate the Birth of Christ in a Christian community, with carols, communion, and the Incarnation Proclamation. Pajamas for little ones are welcome, as necessary!
A carol singalong begins at 5:30 p.m.
The First Christmas Communion service begins at 6 p.m.
All are welcome: all ages, all races, sexes, sexual orientations, gender identities — all means all. Childcare will not be provided, but there is a soft space for younger worshippers, and a nursery with speaker to sneak off to if needed.
December 25, Christmas Morning (10 AM)
This service on Christmas Morning will be a typical Sunday Morning service at St. Hilda St. Patrick specially focused on celebrating Jesus’ birth.