April 2: Weekly Prayers

Almighty God, we pray for your church and all who serve you including Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Melissa, our Bishop Provisional; and Joseph, our vicar. We pray for your servants everywhere,  especially for the Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan. In this diocese we pray for Christ  Church, Anacortes; and St. Paul, Bellingham. 

Jesus, lead us this week as we remember your sacrifice and journey to Jerusalem. Make room in our  hearts, minds, and schedules as you call us back to the cross. Breathe life into our worship.

Sovereign God, we ask for your tender mercy and consolation for those in mourning, especially for  those affected by gun and prison violence. 

Holy Spirit, thank you for your presence, for giving us hope despite world, national, and local events.  Motivate us to care for people in our communities and to advocate for positive change.

Lord, we pray for the welfare of the world. Bless those who lead and govern us with the knowledge  and will to do better. We ask you to quiet the voices of discord and self-interest. We ask that you  inspire our leaders to do good works.  

Lord of the Universe, ease the stress of climate-related disasters, especially for those affected by  severe weather in the southern and western United States. Lead us to honor your creation, and to be  responsible stewards of our precious Earth. Guide us in our efforts and innovations to protect the  planet. 

Holy Spirit, comfort and protect us as we face our fears and challenges. Be with those who have  commended themselves to our prayers: Emily; Chris; Mike; Eileen; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue;  Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; as well as those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

Lord, we pray for those who have passed on before us. Take them into your love and comfort us as  we grieve their absence. We pray especially for: Yoong; Sara; Fred; Linda; Bob; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

God, we give you praise for the many celebrations of our lives. We thank you especially for the birthdays of April; Jim; and Emilio, and the anniversary of Alex and Kim; as well as those we now  name, either silently or aloud. 


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