April 23. Weekly Prayers

God of life, send forth your blessings upon the church, and all people of faith. We are grateful for all  bishops, clergy, and lay leaders, especially Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Melissa, our Bishop Provisional; Joseph, our vicar; Kenneth, our music director; and all who minister in your name. Restore and comfort all who serve you. Living God, hear the prayers of your people.

On this Third Sunday of Easter, in our own Diocese of Olympia, we ask your blessings on St. Paul’s,  Mount Vernon; and La Iglesia Episcopal de la Resureccion, Mount Vernon. In the Anglican cycle of  prayer, we remember especially The Church of the Province of Uganda. Living God, hear the prayers of your people.

Bless all people struggling with addiction and recovery, especially those who find companionship  under our roof. Living God, hear the prayers of your people.

We pray for all who have power and authority over others, and we ask for your guidance and  inspiration for leaders around the globe. Living God, hear the prayers of your people.

Refresh us, Lord, as we struggle to support and build up our families, neighborhoods, colleagues, and  communities. Living God, hear the prayers of your people.

Strengthen us as we endure loneliness, illness, loss, confusion, or suffering of any kind, and help all who are not able to pursue their lives with dignity and hope. Today we pray especially for: Ty;  Rhonda; Amy; Emily; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; and those we  now name, either silently or aloud. Living God, hear the prayers of your people.

Bless us with empathy and understanding. Help us to forgive others as you forgive us. Living God, hear the prayers of your people.

We pray for all those who have died and left us behind, and we pray for those who grieve. Today we  remember Dolores; Yoong; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. Living God, hear the prayers of your people.

Give us gratitude for the world we live in – for springtime, nourishing food, for family and friends, and  for all the saints in our lives. Living God, hear the prayers of your people.

We are thankful for friends and family celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week, especially Zoe-Clare; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. Living God, hear the prayers of your people.

Help us to be better stewards of your bountiful creation. Guide us to care for and protect the earth  that sustains us. Living God, hear the prayers of your people.


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