October 1: Weekly Prayers

God of all Grace, enliven the Church for its mission, that we may be salt of the earth and light to the world. In our diocese, we pray today for Underhill House, Seattle; the Center for Spiritual Development; and St. James Family Center, Cathlamet. We are so grateful for the leaders in our church, including our Bishop’s Committee; our vicar, Joseph; our Bishops Melissa and Brian, our Presiding Bishop, Michael; and the person who will become the next Bishop of Olympia. In the Anglican cycle of prayer, we pray for The Anglican Church in Japan. To you I lift up my soul. My God, I put my trust in you.

We thank you for the many ministries here at St. Hilda St. Patrick. Bless all those who use our sock  box, our little food pantry, and our church building, including the All Saints Goshen congregation, and  those who struggle with addiction and recovery. To you I lift up my soul. My God, I put my trust in you.

Remind us that when our country and communities are in an uproar, and the world feels out of  control, that you are by our side. Magnify our ability to hear your call and keep our faith strong. Help us to love our neighbors as ourselves. To you I lift up my soul. My God, I put my trust in you.

Inspire with your wisdom those whose decisions affect the lives of others, that all may act with  integrity and courage. We remember especially today all people who are standing for election and  those who strive to serve their communities. Send your spirit of humility and love to the halls of  legislation, justice, and governance. To you I lift up my soul. My God, I put my trust in you.

Comfort and restore all who suffer in body, mind or spirit. May they know the power of your healing  love. Help us to feed the hungry, calm those in fear, and heal your children who are suffering. Comfort  and care for those who serve others, and make us worthy of your call. We pray today for Emilio; Ian;  Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Celia and her family; Jackie and her  family; Macy; Emily, Paige, and their family; Karen; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. To you I lift up my soul. My God, I put my trust in you.

Make us willing agents of your compassion. Our hearts are heavy with the many people in distress from severe weather, war, poverty, and violence. Help us to find new paths to trust and peace. To you I lift up my soul. My God, I put my trust in you.

We remember with thanksgiving those who have died. Into your hands we commend Detlef; Gary;  and those we now name, either silently or aloud. Give comfort to those who mourn, and bring  them peace in their time of loss. To you I lift up my soul. My God, I put my trust in you.

Creator God, your bountiful, beautiful world sustains us. Our gratitude for your creation is vast. We  especially thank you for our pets, and for those with birthdays and anniversaries this week, including  Bryn; Kaylea; Sam; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. To you I lift up my soul. My God, I put my trust in you.


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