Our prayers today are inspired and written by the children in Christian Education.
We pray for those who have hate and fear in their hearts.
Lord, save us. Give us mercy.
We pray today for all churches around the world and all who love and follow you. In the diocesan cycle of prayer, we remember Good Shepherd, Federal Way; and St. Columba’s, Kent. In the Anglican cycle of prayer, we ask your blessing on the Church of the Province of South East Asia.
Lord, save us. Give us mercy.
We pray for our family and friends who have died, especially our grandparents and great grandparents. Bless those who mourn and miss their loved ones. We pray especially for Monica, and those we now name, either silently or aloud.
Lord, save us. Give us mercy.
We are thankful for our Savior, for our lives, for our friends, family, church, music, teachers, animals, and all the trees that give us air.
Lord, save us. Give us mercy.
Please take care of these people who are in special need of your love and grace now: Helen, Mariam, and their family; Hannah; Tiffany and her family; Sharon; Deborah, Dona, and their family; Paul; Vicky; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.
Lord, save us. Give us mercy.
We ask your blessing on all who are poor or don’t have enough food, who have lost money or who lost their homes, and all who take things from others.
Lord, save us. Give us mercy.
We ask you to help us to treat others how we want to be treated, and to help us create equality for all.
Lord, save us. Give us mercy.
We pray for freedom for all people around the world. Guide all our leaders toward love and respect for others.
Lord, save us. Give us mercy.
Bless those with birthdays and anniversaries this week: Vivek; Josie; Zach; Ben; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.
Lord, save us. Give us mercy.