February 11: Weekly Prayers

Holy God, we pray for your church and all who serve you, especially Joseph, our priest; Melissa and  Brian, our Bishops; and Michael, our presiding Bishop; as well as the many members of our  congregation who work to sustain our common life. In the Anglican Communion we pray for the  Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, and in our diocese we pray for St. John the Baptist,  West Seattle; and Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle. We pray also for the congregation of All Saints Goshen who worships in our building. 

God of all glory, transform us to your likeness.

Mighty Savior, guide all those who hold positions of authority, that they use their power to embody  love and empower others. We pray especially for our president, members of the House and Senate, and Supreme Court justices. May they act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly as they govern our  nation. 

God of all glory, transform us to your likeness.

Immortal One, we pray for the welfare of marginalized communities around the world, and anywhere  there is violence. Grant peace over the earth. Reveal the areas where we are complicit in systems of  oppression, and remove the barriers that separate us. 

God of all glory, transform us to your likeness.

Loving God, strengthen the bonds of our communities. In times of division and fear, let your grace and  hope shine through us, that we may love one another boldly. 

God of all glory, transform us to your likeness.

Moving Spirit, all things are in your hands. We ask your strength and healing for those who struggle  with visible and invisible illnesses, or with any kind of suffering. Today our community lifts up Adele;  Andrea; Marcus; Izzy and his family; Kerry; Kathleen; Rhonda; JoAnn; Connie; Emilio; Ian; Barbara;  Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.

God of all glory, transform us to your likeness.

Immortal One, we cling to you amid our own mortality. Comfort those who mourn. Together we ask  your blessing on those who have died. We remember Gene; and those we now name, either silently  or aloud. 

God of all glory, transform us to your likeness.

Abundant Creator, we revel with you in life’s joyful moments. Together we celebrate the birthdays  and anniversaries of our loved ones: Peter; Kay; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.

God of all glory, transform us to your likeness.


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