June 16: Weekly Prayers

God who makes all things new, revitalize your church, we pray. Bless Michael, our presiding bishop;  Melissa and Brian, our bishops; Phil, our bishop-elect; and Joseph our priest. We pray for the Anglican  Church of Chile; and for the faith communities of St. Augustine’s in-the-Woods, Freeland; and St.  Philip’s, Marysville. We pray also for the congregation of All Saints Goshen, who worships in our  building. 

Send help from your holy place, and strengthen us.

God of justice, bring right outcomes to the conflicts between the nations, we pray. Bless and guide  our national and local leaders. 

Send help from your holy place, and strengthen us.

God of love, we thank you for bringing together the members of St. Hilda St. Patrick Church. Bless the  volunteers who serve our ministries, and prosper their plans. We celebrate our students as they turn  toward new futures. We pray for fathers, both present and absent, and all who act in a fatherly  capacity, that your will for them may be fulfilled. 

Send help from your holy place, and strengthen us.

God of compassion, we ask you to walk beside us through our troubles. Bless those who struggle with  addiction and recovery, especially those who meet in our building. We pray for those who have  commended themselves to our prayers: Laura; Vicky; John; Charles; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine;  Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; Will; Janette; Nancy; and those persons and petitions  we now name, either silently or aloud.  

Send help from your holy place, and strengthen us.

God of eternity, we ask your mercy upon those who have died. We pray you will welcome your  servants to unite with the communion of saints, and ask you to comfort those left behind on earth who grieve for them. We pray for Eva; and for those we now name, either silently or aloud.

Send help from your holy place, and strengthen us.

God of joy, we thank you for our loved ones and friends, especially those who are celebrating  birthdays and anniversaries this week: Peter; Nicholas; Elizabeth; and those we now name, either  silently or aloud. 

Send help from your holy place, and strengthen us.


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