
December 15: The Third Sunday of Advent

Historically today has been a bit of a breakfrom the solemnity of Advent.Gaudete Sunday,Rejoice Sunday.That’s why we’ve gota pink or rose candle burningand some places even have vestmentsand altar dressings to match!Rejoice!This week continues where last week left off.John is still in the desertpreparing the way of salvation.Crowds are coming to be baptizedin a baptism

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December 8: The Second Sunday of Advent

We’re transitioning.We’re moving.Since All Saintswe’ve been hearingabout the end of time.It’s getting more urgent nowas we get closer to Christmas.Our gospel text isn’t Jesus talkingabout when all things are made right.Jesus isn’t even in the gospel passage today.We’re getting a hingefrom the apocalypticto the immediate,from when the Son of Man comes in his gloryto the

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December 1: The First Sunday of Advent

God’s story of the redemption of creationimpacts the whole of creation.Not only has Jesus come into the cosmosto save the entire cosmosthe cosmos announces his presence.Think about our Christmas and Epiphany narratives:A new star appearsand shepherds hear the angelic choruses.On Good Friday at Jesus’ deaththe earth groans in an earthquake.As Fred Craddock says,“There is no

December 1: The First Sunday of Advent Read More »

November 17: Saint Hilda of Whitby, Transferred

We don’t know all that much, really,about St. Hilda of Whitbyexcept that she was born into nobilityand an active, but chaste, member of courtbefore there was a unified England.Baptized at 13,at 33 she went into monastic life.Aidan, the bishop of Lindisfarne,recalled her to East Anglia, her homebecause he was impressed with her devotionto Jesus and

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November 10: The Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Ahhhhhh.Another stewardship sermonabout giving all that you can to the churchBased on the text about the widow’s mite…Is not what I need to hear,does a disservice to this text,and does a disserviceto our current moment.Alex is going to talk about stewardship and financesafter communion anyway. While Jesus next talks about the temple and its destructionfor

November 10: The Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Read More »