O God, we pray for the entire Body of Christ and its leaders throughout the world. We pray especially for our Bishop Provisional, Melissa; and our priest, Joseph; as well as lay people who minister in your name. In our Diocese, we pray for St. James, Kent; and St. George, Maple Valley. In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the Anglican Church of Rwanda. We also pray for all groups that use our building. The Lord is a lamp shining in dark places, shine your morning star in our hearts as we worship You and proclaim Your greatness.
Lord God, we pray for the Bishop’s Committee, and all those who work tirelessly behind the scenes at St. Hilda St. Patrick. Hear our prayers for this church family. Transfigure your church, make it a lamp, radiating love and life. The Lord is a lamp shining in dark places, shine your morning star in our hearts as we worship You and proclaim Your greatness.
Loving God, Nations are in an uproar. Cities fall, and fortunes are lost overnight. Yet it is you who make wars cease, not people. You provide all that is needed. Let us be still and know that you, our God, can do wondrous things. The Lord is a lamp shining in dark places, shine your morning star in our hearts as we worship You and proclaim Your greatness.
At this time of disdain between local, national, and international leaders, bring them together for meaningful discourse to find common ground. God of all things seen and unseen, we pray for the world, and for our sisters and brothers everywhere. The Lord is a lamp shining in dark places, shine your morning star in our hearts as we worship You and proclaim Your greatness.
Loving God, let your arms enfold the poor, the homeless, the hungry, the addicted, and the mentally ill. Please help the children and all those who are frightened, abused, or have fallen victim to violence or trafficking of any kind. Please help the victims of the fires in Chile and the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. We pray for all who were shot, killed, terrorized, and affected at Michigan State University. Direct our hands and feet so that we may be of assistance. The Lord is a lamp shining in dark places, shine your morning star in our hearts as we worship You and proclaim Your greatness.
Almighty God, by whose hand all the Universe was created, may we be truly grateful stewards of this planet that we live on, its resources, and all living things that reside upon it. The Lord is a lamp shining in dark places, shine your morning star in our hearts as we worship You and proclaim Your greatness.
We who are healthy give thanks, yet there are many among us who need your healing touch, including: Alice and her family; Emily; Janet; Pam; Chelsea and her family; Susy; Danielle; Lauren and Micah; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. The Lord is a lamp shining in dark places, shine your morning star in our hearts as we worship You and proclaim Your greatness.
We pray for those who are no longer with us in body, who brought us, and continue to bring us joy: Barbara; Lennon; Ray; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. The Lord is a lamp shining in dark places, shine your morning star in our hearts as we worship You and proclaim Your greatness.
We give thanks for those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week, including those we now name, either silently or aloud. The Lord is a lamp shining in dark places, shine your morning star in our hearts as we worship You and proclaim Your greatness.