April 9: Weekly Prayers

We pray for the entire Body of Christ and its leaders throughout the world. We pray especially for our  presiding Bishop, Michael; our Bishop Provisional, Melissa; and our priest, Joseph, as well as lay  people who minister in your name. In our Diocese, we pray for Emmanuel, Eastsound, and Christ  Church, Blaine. In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the Episcopal Church of Sudan as well as  peace for Jerusalem. We also pray for all groups that use our building. We give thanks to you, O God. For you have answered us.

Lord God, we pray for the Bishop’s Committee, and for all those who work tirelessly behind the  scenes at St. Hilda St. Patrick. Hear our prayers for this church family. Transfigure us, your  congregation; make it a lamp, radiating love and life.  We give thanks to you, O God. For you have answered us.

We pray for Joe, our President; Jay, our Governor; all our local leaders, the leaders of every nation.  We ask you to help them make all their decisions with wisdom, patience, and understanding. We give thanks to you, O God. For you have answered us.

We pray: You have conquered the grave, and you graft us into this moment, this promise, as your  people today. Transform us today through your power. Forgive our sin, redeem the dead places in our  lives, And plant new seeds of life and hope. May we live as an expectant people, strengthened by your  grace. Lord, where we are afraid, bring peace. Where there is anger and division, bring humility and  unity. Where there is lack, bring your abundance. We give thanks to you, O God. For you have answered us.

Dear Lord, as bells ring out and voices sing alleluia, rejoicing in your resurrection, help us to live in  gladness and grace each and every day. Let us have hearts of thankfulness for what we have, and  compassion to others that have less. Open our hearts to your power moving around us, within us and between us, healing all that is broken in this world. We give thanks to you, O God. For you have answered us.

Lord, now that Spring is upon us, we give thanks for the beauty of your creation. The cycle of life:  children, kittens, bunnies, puppies, butterflies, rainbows, sunrises and sunsets.  We give thanks to you, O God. For you have answered us.

We pray for the world and for our sisters and brothers everywhere. With joy and gladness, we bear  one another’s burdens. We pray for those places where terrorism, hunger, natural disasters and  violence have brought suffering, particularly to children. We pray for all those who work for peace, as  well as first responders, and ask forgiveness for those who engage in acts of cruelty. We give thanks to you, O God. For you have answered us.

Lord of Light and Joy, you have forgiven and healed our spirits. We continue to bring before you the  names and situations of people that are in the greatest need. We ask for your healing for Amy; Emily;  Chris; Mike; Eileen; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; and those we now  name, either silently or aloud. Turn your people’s cries into songs of praise. We give thanks to you, O God. For you have answered us.

We pray for those who are no longer with us in body, who brought us, and continue to bring us joy,  including Yoong; Sara; Fred; Linda; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. We give thanks to you, O God. For you have answered us.

God of joy, we thank you for the friends celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week, especially  Elliott; Andrea; Gen and Zoe-Clare; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. We give thanks to you, O God. For you have answered us.


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