October 22: Weekly Prayers

We always give thanks to you, O God, for the church, constantly remembering its work of faith, labor  of love, and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. Bless Michael, our presiding bishop;  Melissa and Brian, our bishops; Joseph, our vicar; and the person who will become the next Bishop of  Olympia. We pray for the Anglican Church of Korea; and for the faith communities of the Diocesan  Council; the Board of Directors; and the Standing Committee. We remember also the congregation of  All Saints Goshen. Be  gracious to us, O God. Show us your mercy.

Almighty God, make us more like your son, Jesus, who did not regard people with partiality. May we  love justice. May we be gracious with all people. Be  gracious to us, O God. Show us your mercy.

God, our ruler, the earth shakes in your presence. All that is belongs not to us, but to you. May we be  good stewards of all you have created. Be  gracious to us, O God. Show us your mercy.

Holy One, you answer those who call upon you. Hear the voices of the weak and wronged. May this  city know and experience your presence. Be  gracious to us, O God. Show us your mercy.

Great God, give your people rest. Cover the sick and the sorrowful with your healing hand. May the  lonely and forgotten find favor in your sight. We pray for those who struggle with addiction and  recovery, especially those who meet in our building. We lift up those who have commended  themselves to our prayers: Sandy and her family; Elliott; James; Celia and her family; Jackie and her  family; Macy; Emily, Paige, and their family; Karen; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice;  Jim; Richard; Suzanne; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. Be  gracious to us, O God. Show us your mercy.

Living God, you have rescued the dying and the dead from the coming wrath through the death and  resurrection of your Christ. May our voices blend with theirs as they proclaim your greatness and  worship around your throne forever. We pray especially for Detlef; Gary; and those we now name,  either silently or aloud. Be  gracious to us, O God. Show us your mercy.

Joyful God, we give thanks for our friends, especially those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries:  Alex; Jane; Gavin; Valerie & Tyson; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. Be  gracious to us, O God. Show us your mercy.


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